Did A Family Member Pass With No Will? Apply To Be The Administrator Through Probate With A Lawyer

If a family member close to you died and there isn't anyone to handle their estate, and you've noticed that their assets are starting to be frozen or are going without care, get in touch with a probate attorney. You want to find out what is going on with the estate, and if anyone is going to be the administrator.

If the person has no children or if the children aren't interest in settling the estate, you may be able to apply to be the administrator. This is something that you will get paid for, and you can do this to make sure that the family gets any money that is left from the estate. There are some requirements to becoming the administrator.

No Felonies

In many states you can't be the administrator of the estate if you have any felony charges on your record. It doesn't matter what type of crime you got the felony for, or how long ago you had the charges, if you've ever been convicted of a felony you can't be awarded the position. You'll have to find out what the specific laws are in your state.

Good Credit

To be the administrator of the estate you will have to be in charge of making financial decisions and managing the bills and financial accounts that the deceased had. Your credit report will be pulled and examined when you fill out the application to be the administrator, so if you don't have a good credit report you shouldn't expect to get an approval with the application.

Permission from Next of Kin

It's normal for the next of kin to be the administrator of the estate. If they have no interest and they have no conflicts with you applying to take care of the estate, there should be no issues. If they find out and they decide that they want to apply, then they could override you and their application would be more likely to be selected.

The probate court doesn't want to have to manage an estate, and if you want to see that everything gets settled you'll want to apply on your own. You will get compensated for the time that you have to spend finding accounts and making sure all their financial matters are managed. Find a probate lawyer today and sit down with them to talk about what needs to be done to apply.

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