Auto accidents are terrible for everybody involved, but this event can be especially traumatic for pregnant women. If you are worried about your pregnancy following a car accident or similar injury, the answers to these questions may provide you with the assistance you need.
When should I call 911 after a car accident?
If you are a pregnant woman who has been in any sort of accident, you may be concerned about calling 911. You should definitely make the call if you are worried that you are going to lose consciousness or if you feel pain in your abdomen or pelvis. You should also call the emergency line if you experience vaginal bleeding or leakage of fluid.
Should I see my doctor after a car accident?
It is always smart to get in touch with your doctor after any sort of accident. Be on the lookout for symptoms like vaginal bleeding, excessive swelling, and increased vaginal discharge. You should think about whether or not you have experienced headaches, abdomen pain, shoulder aches, or a long-lasting fever. Tell your doctor if you have been vomiting more than usual or if there are changes with the way you urinate.
Is my pregnancy automatically high-risk if I have been in an accident?
No. Still, it is important that you get in touch with your doctor, even if you have only been involved in a fender bender. Even if you did not make physical contact with any part of the car, a sharp brake can have a significant impact on the growing fetus.
What are signs of miscarriage to look for after a car accident?
In some cases, a car accident may lead to miscarriage. Symptoms of miscarriage following an accident may include vaginal bleeding, pelvic cramping, abdominal discomfort, and blood clots passing through the vagina. These symptoms may not be immediately obvious, so it is important that you get in touch with a doctor regardless of the signs.
Do I need a personal injury attorney if I am a pregnant woman involved in a car accident?
It is smart to speak with a personal injury attorney or car accident attorney in a situation like yours. This is because you may be able to recoup some medical and property expenses. For women expecting babies, this can be extremely important. Medical appointments can become quite expensive, and there are consequences that may result from situations like this -- like a child being born earlier than is healthy. Preemies often require additional medical care, and some infants may have long-term or permanent conditions.