3 Ways To Serve Someone Legal Documents

You may have learned about the purpose of process servers from many movies or television shows that feature them. In order for a person to be notified that they must show up to court, it is not as simple as putting a letter in the mail. They must be formally notified by a person who can verify that the defendant has received the paperwork. However, it can be more difficult to do than you think, especially if the defendant is actively trying to avoid those documents. Here are some different ways that someone can be served their legal documents.

Show Up To Their Home

The most straightforward way to serve someone legal documents is to show up to their home and ask for them. It's a situation where you know where the person is going to be, since it is their legal residence. The protocol for opening the door is usually straightforward as well, where you ask if the person is home and each person says who they are. If the defendant doesn't know that they will be receiving legal documents, this will be a good way to get the job done. However, the defendant may be avoiding that doorbell if they are expecting legal documents for a court date they do not want to attend.

Pose As A Delivery Service

Another way to serve those legal documents is to have a process server pose as a delivery person. It can be hard to resist the temptation of someone delivering a package. The process can involve asking for the recipient of the package and even having them sign a piece of paper to prove that it is them.

While the process server can't exactly pretend to be a UPS or FedEx worker dropping off a box from Amazon, they can pose as a local messenger service. For example, the process server can bring flowers for the defendant at their job, which  normal for a messenger service to deliver.

Wait By Their Car

One place where it is very difficult to avoid a process server is at the defendant's car. If you know where their car is located while they are away from home, then they will have no choice but to confront the process server to get into their car. Since the process server knows who the car is registered to and who drives it, identifying the right person will be very easy to do, even if they are an unwilling participant in the document serving process.

Contact a company like AAA Attorney Service Co Of Ny Inc, for more information.

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