Getting divorced can be a very difficult and emotional process. In some cases, spouses can have deep resentment and anger toward one another, and this can be problematic when they share children together. Parental alienation is a term that refers to a child's relationship deteriorating with one parent due to actions by the other parent. This can happen when one parent tells their children lies or talks badly about the other parent. Sometimes, a parent may try to deny the other parent from having any access to the children. If you are the victim of parental alienation, you should strongly consider hiring a family law attorney. Some of the ways that the family court system can help resolve parental alienation include the following:
Modify the Custody Agreement
In the eyes of the family court, the best thing for the children of divorced parents is usually co-parenting. Children benefit when each parent has meaningful parenting time and the opportunity to bond with the children. If your ex-spouse is using tactics to promote parental alienation, your family law attorney can petition the family court to modify your custody agreement. When the custody agreement is modified, you may be granted more time with your children, which can help you repair the relationship and reverse the effects of parental alienation.
Mandated Therapy
When you have gone through an acrimonious divorce, you most likely can't have a calm and meaningful discussion with your ex-spouse. When there is parental alienation in play, it is often the result of deep anger on one or both sides. This type of anger is not good for anyone, especially the children involved. One of the goals of attending family court is to help with reunification. If you have evidence that your ex-spouse is promoting parental alienation, the court may require mandated therapy for all parties involved. This type of therapy can help divorced spouses learn how to co-parent. In addition, specialized therapy can help fix a relationship between children and their alienated parent.
Contempt of Court
If you have a legal custody agreement in place but your ex-spouse does not allow you to see your children during your allotted time, contact your family law attorney. Failure to follow a legally binding custody agreement can result in your ex-spouse being charged with contempt of court. Sometimes, having your attorney send a letter to your ex-spouse can resolve the issue, which means you don't have to take your case back to court.