Tips For Negotiating Child Support

Just like other divorce clauses, it's best to negotiate child support between yourselves instead of putting yourself at the mercy of the court. However, you need to educate and prepare yourself for the negotiations first. Here are some of the tips to help you succeed in the negotiations.

Your Spouse's Evilness Doesn't Matter

Some people think that painting their spouse as an evil person may help during child support negotiations, but that is far from the truth. Even if you go to court, the judge will not use child support as a punishment for your spouse's evil deeds. It doesn't even matter if your spouse was cheating on you; that doesn't affect how much your child needs for their wellbeing. The only situation in which your spouse's bad actions may matter is if the parent was abusing the kids in any way.

Keep the State's Guideline in Mind during Negotiations

Most states have guidelines or formulas for determining child support. Research what these guidelines are and run them by your situation to get a feel of how much you might be awarded in court. That way you have a rough idea of the minimum payments to aim for during the negotiations. However, keep it in mind that these guidelines are only useful for determining minor payments; you can aim for higher child support amounts. If you feel that your partner can afford higher payments and the situation warrants it, go for it.

Aim for Automatic Deductions

Some people find it difficult to settle regular bills or make regular payments. There are also those who find it difficult to honor agreements or court directives. Then there are also those who are just generally difficult to deal with. If your spouse fits in any of those categories, then they mail fail you now and then by not depositing the child support check. The best way to avoid such complications is to aim for automatic deductions where the payments are automatically taken from their paycheck every month at the specified date.

Bring Extenuating Circumstances to the Table

Lastly, it's also advisable to bring extenuating circumstances to the table during the negotiations instead of raising them later on. For example, if your child has a chronic medical problem, you should negotiate both their current medical needs and expected future medical needs (in case the situation worsens).

Of course, you should not accept less than what your kids deserve just to avoid litigation. You can always seek the court's intervention in case you fail to reach an agreement. For more information, contact your local divorce attorney.

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