Take Care And Don't Make These 10 Personal Injury Mistakes

After an accident, most victims have their hands full dealing with injuries, a wrecked vehicle, and insurance claims. During this stressful time, it's easier than ever to make a mistake that could impact your compensation from the accident. If you believe the other driver was at fault, take care and don't make the below common personal injury mistakes.

  1. Failing to Seek Medical Care: Some accident victims are relieved to be relatively uninjured and don't follow up by seeing a doctor. If your injuries are not bad enough to seek medical care then you may not have a good case. If they are, don't allow time to pass without medical treatment.
  2. Not Using a Pain Journal: This type of journal can benefit you in several ways. It works as a memory aid, and it has a therapeutic effect and helps victims deal with the trauma of the accident.
  3. Not Snapping Photos: Your injuries will tell a story that corresponds with your pain and suffering award. Photos of the injuries to your body are worth a thousand words. Ask a family member or the medical staff to help if necessary.
  4. Taking To Social Media: What might be second nature to some can seriously jeopardize your case. Keep your accident, injuries, and recovery off social media to avoid compromising your case.
  5. Being Unaware of Surveillance: The higher the cost of your medical expenses and the more serious your injuries, the more likely you are to be spied upon. Be aware of your actions when out in public.
  6. Speaking to the Insurance Adjuster: Don't let yourself be tempted by the at-fault driver's adjuster. They will phone you and ask for a recorded interview, but you are not obligated to comply, and your personal injury lawyer will advise you not to do it.
  7. Sign an Accident Release: You may have very little idea of what you are entitled to receive as a result of the accident. That means it would be foolish to sign a release and accept a check from the other side without consulting with a lawyer.
  8. You Want to DIY It: If your accident involved more than just a bump and bruise, you will probably need the help of a personal injury lawyer. They understand how much you deserve, what evidence is needed to prove things, and how to negotiate for that sum.
  9. You Fail to Understand Evidence: A good case is made up of evidence, and it's your responsibility to gather and present it to your attorney as soon as you can. Be sure to acquire the accident report before your first meeting.
  10. You Wait Too Long: The sooner you take action, the stronger your evidence and case will be. Each state has a statute of limitations that must be honored, so speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can.

Visit websites like https://www.leisawitzheller.com/ to learn more.

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